Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Speaking From Experience

So for this brief i've decided to keep it nice and light-hearted something fun, because at the end of the day uni for me and for anyone else really should be a whole stack of fun! 
Aswell as this i wanted to do something that was personal to me, as its speaking from experience, my experience. Cheeky brainstorm, what stupid things have i done or that have happened to me that i could for-warn the students about next year. 
Surprisingly i gathered a large list but something that cropped up more than once was me receiving fines from my halls of residence. The main penalty i paid was £170, ouch, what happened? well i may have, just a little bit, i did, run into a wall drunk... hello body shaped hole!
From this im gonna roll with this... 

How to save £170

What am i going to do about it:
Inform next years intake to not run into any walls at their halls.
Its that good it rhymes. 

At this moment in time i know that i don't want to produce some posters, possible thoughts are package design for some kind of alcohol, Carlsberg say, this being the substance of which i was contaminated with at the time of the incident. Whether the design is what the bottles or cans come in or just on the can itself, both? 

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