Sunday, 23 November 2008

A bit more orange. 'citing.

Week 5 now, what is your colour?
Colour = orange
After brainstorming on what is orange to me, words, objects, phrases etc that to me relate/show/is orange came to the conclusion that the answer to the question, what is orange? is...
'Orange is a Fruit' 
reason being, we got the word orange from the fruit, then gave that word to the colour of the orange, orange. How many times can i use the word orange in this without it becoming ridicularse? 
From finding out what orange is to me, i started to bash out design ideas that represent the answer, what is orange? 
so each design must be based upon fruit, even more so, the orange fruit.
10 designs done.
Here are my fave...


The crit we had for this project went as the french say,
'very badly' 
I was criticised firstly because i didn't have 10 designs at the time I only had 7,  I knew this.
I was criticised because the answer to the question was too obvious. well thats what orange is, it is a fruit, it is a colour, it was a fruit first. Why go into some obscure way to show orange, which at the end of the day may show what orange is, but is taken so far that you then have to explain what your trying to portray, which is rhubarb and deems it to not work therefore, the work is a failure. 
I knew and admit that this was one of my weaker projects, i didn't enjoy it, and the majority of my designs i wasn't fond off. 
However having a crit which told me something I already knew was just a waste of my and everyone else who participated time. Furthermore I was questioned when i objected to the crit and asked why i bought in work that i didn't like or think was any good. This is hilarious, next time i don't like my work and we have a crit, i just wont bring anything in and simply state, i didn't like it. All in all this was a low point of the course. 

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